Start generation in 3 months. The full return of investment
within 2 years.
Green energy
Short installation terms -
from 3 months
Low installation
Return of investment
2 years
ST600/ST800/ST1000 – micro hydro power turbine, designed on the siphon principle with upward water flow. Ukrainian production of standardized range of units up to 100 kW. Parallel operation is used to multiply total power station.
Control assembly
Control assembly
Installation supervision
Installation supervision
Trial operation
Staff training
Classic HPP
The calculation of the ROI depends on many factors. Our experts have extensive knowledge and experience, in order to make the most accurate calculation. Feel free to request one for yourself.
What preparatory construction work needs to be done before installing ST600/ST800/ST1000?
At the stage of preparation for the installation of turbine remember that it does not require building a separate machine building, which significantly reduces the cost of Installation of hydropower projects. The amount of required construction works is discussed individually and is directly dependent on field installation conditions.
Is it possible to install the hydraulic unit on an existing object?
Yes, the unit may be installed on existing dams without hydropower
What exactly the company offers Lasca Group?
We provide: project of Installation of small hydropower plants, the hydroelectric siphon type ST600/ST800/ST1000 and necessary accessories thereto, and advise on the necessary engineering works for hydropower projects.
What is the "green tariff" ?
The "green tariff" (connection tariff) is an economic and political mechanism intended for mobilization of investments into the renewable energy sources' usage technologies. This mechanism is based on three main factors: 1) guaranteed network connection, 2) long-term contract for purchasing of all the produced renewable electric power, and 3) premium on the produced electric power' cost. The "green tariff" is a special high price at which the electric power produced with the use of the alternative energy sources (sun, wind, water, Earth's heat, biogas etc.) is bought. According to the Law of Ukraine "On the green tariff", the State guarantees the purchase of all the produced electric energy volumes at the set rates until January 01, 2030, which allows to precisely calculate the annual income volume. The National Committee on Energy Regulation, Decree No. 229 of February 25, 2016 download
How is the Ukrainian constituent of the equipment determined?
Article 17' 3. The premium on the "green tariff" for the observance of the Ukraine-produced equipment' usage quota – download (Law, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, No. 575/97-VR "On power industry", of October 16, 1997).
What legal aspects will I face? Can you help me in this matter?
Laska-Group is a producer of waterpower equipment. We do not try to conceal legal issues from our clients. The way that you'll have to traverse can be described in terms of the following steps: 1. Local village council or the district administration (depending on who the land is owned by) – for the formalization, purchase or renting of the land upon which the midget power plant and the hydraulic works are supposed to be installed. 2. Design work – this is our responsibility. 3. After the land has been allocated: 3.1. You'll have to apply to the State Architectural-and-Constructional Surveillance Inspectorate with the construction commencement request. 3.2. You'll have to apply to the regional power distribution company ("Oblenergo") for the signing of the power acceptance agreement (or, whether the power plant will have enough capacity to accept the amount of the energy produced). 4. Assembly, construction. 5. You'll have to apply to the State Architectural-and-Constructional Surveillance Inspectorate for obtaining the construction termination declaration. 6. You'll have to apply to the National Committee on Energy Regulation (NCER) with the construction termination declaration, the documents verifying the fact of the commissioning, the agreement signed with Oblenergo and the documents verifying your status as the land user, – for obtaining the license. 7. You'll have to apply to the "Energy Market" State owned company for the conclusion of the "green tariff" agreement.
Founded in 2008, Lasca Group LLC began as integrator company dispatch systems and manufacturer of automation panels for ventilation and heating, and currently occupies on the market in introduction automated systems of monitoring and control of engineering equipment of buildings, developing solutions HVAC + R, alternative energy - hydropower and reconstruction of hydroelectric power plants.
The company "the Affection Group" provides its Customers with a full range of services on technical and design issues, recruitment and supply of equipment, performing General contractor works, installation, commissioning, warranty and service to any premises from cottage to industrial objects of any complexity.
We always try to offer more effective and innovative solutions, and our expertise in automation of processes enable us to effectively implement any engineering know-how.
We are the reliable service partner of Danfoss comnany, as well as the official partner of EATON, E+E, InductiveAutomation, Regin, Belimo, Danfoss.
We individually develop the structure of the unit under landscape, desired power, etc.
From the idea and the design
The ideological manager and the chief designer; he analyzes all your data and controls the ROI calculation at the design and approval stage
For the production
Production manager; thanks to his experience and intuition he is always on guard to ensure the highest quality of each of the constituents and components
For the sales
Customer service manager; she attends to your project through all the communication stages
For the assembly and adjustment
Head of the Assembly Department; he deals with the balancing and commissioning works and takes care of the complete implementation and commissioning of your midget power station